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What's new
2024.12.27"Research" is updated
2024.12.27Publications: "Research and Development Directorate pamphlet" is updated
2024.12.11Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Achieves Historic 15-Meter Approach to Space Debris"
2024.12.10Research: “Kakuda Public and Private Co-creation Propulsion System Development Center(K-CROP)”
2024.12.05Research “Multi-sensing Observation LIDAR and Imager Demonstration (MOLI) Project” is updated
2024.10.09“The 11th Space Debris Workshop” is updated
2024.09.20Research: “Research on software, computational engineering, and V&V technology for space systems” is updated
2024.09.09“The 11th Space Debris Workshop” is updated
2024.09.05“Organization” is updated
2024.09.02Research: “Research on transportation technology” “Innovative Space Transportation Programs” are updated
2024.08.20JAXA concludes partnership-type contract for Phase II of its Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (CRD2)
2024.08.02Research “Multi-sensing Observation LIDAR and Imager Demonstration (MOLI) Project” is updated
2024.07.30CRD2 Phase I / ADRAS-J Update: Fly-Around Observation Images of Space Debris Released
2024.07.09Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Conducts First Fly-Around Observation of Space Debris"
2024.06.14CRD2 Phase I / ADRAS-J update: “fixed-point observation” images of space debris have been released
2024.06.12The 11th Space Debris Workshop
2024.04.26Astroscale Japan Inc. released " Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Conducts First Fly-Around Observation of Space Debris"
2024.04.25"Research and Development Directorate pamphlet" has been updated.
2024.04.22Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Successfully Approaches Several Hundred Meters to Space Debris"
2024.04.11Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Completes Successful Rendezvous and Initiates Proximity Approach"
2024.02.22Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Mission Starts Rendezvous Operations"
2024.02.19Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale Successfully Launches World’s First Debris Inspection Spacecraft, ADRAS-J"
2024.02.08Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Ready for Launch from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 on Sunday, February 18"
2024.01.09"Research and Development Directorate pamphlet" has been updated.
2023.12.22"Organization" was updated
2023.12.12JAXA Achieve In-orbit Imaging of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
2023.12.02Launch Results of KOYOH, Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstartion-3
2023.12.01Launch of KOYOH, Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstartion-3
2023.09.26PhaseⅠ Milestone 3 completed
2023.09.25Space Debris Removal Project Underway
2023.08.15JAXA and iQPS achieve in-orbit imaging processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data
2023.07.07CRD2 English web site opened
2023.06.14Research "Power management that evolves space systems" is published
2023.06.13Research "Seamless and Autonomous Space Communication System for Society 5.0", "Inter-disciplinary technology for increasing competitiveness and providing innovation in spacecraft that will create new fields of space use" and "Research on Atmospheric Entry-Descent-Landing and Recovery (EDL&R) Technologies" have been updated
2023.03.31Website renewed
2023.01.10Developing the International Standard for the Use of AO Protective Technology for Low Earth Orbit Spacecraft
2022.07.07Development of a Battery Charger (GaN_BCR) to Support Space Missions
2022.07.06The 10th Space Debris Workshop
2022.05.20Automatic acquisition and tracking technology successfully demonstrated in optical communication experiments between an optical ground station and an optical communication terminal on a small satellite
2022.04.04The Small Parabola Antenna with Expectations for an Array of Uses
2022.04.04Orbital demonstration of the redundant MEMS-IMU (MARIN)
2022.04.01"Organization" was updated
2022.01.14International Workshop on Vegetation LIDAR / High-Precision 3D Mapping from Space 2022
2022.01.07RApid Innovative payload demonstration SatellitE-2 (RAISE-2) Completion of Critical Operations Phase
2021.12.27Special Talk: The Special Environment of Space Stimulates Your Curiosity
2021.12.02"Research on Atmospheric Entry-Descent-Landing and Recovery (EDL&R) Technologies" was updated
2021.09.21Numerical Simulation Technology - Essential Tool for H3 Launch Vehicle Development
2021.05.31Space Lidar Opens New Applications for Earth Observation
2021.03.26JAXA and NTT DATA Launch Joint Research on Satellite-mounted Laser Altimeter to Create Advanced 3D Map
2021.02.19JAXA and NEC demonstrate Japan's First GPS Navigation Technology at Geostationary Orbit
─ Using Geostationary Satellite GPSR Aboard Optical Data Relay Satellite ─ -
2021.01.26JAXA, Taiyo Wire, NGK, Technosolver, and Koyo Materica develop a metal mesh for onboard deployable reflectors
2020.12.25Evolving Satellite Communication Technology
2020.06.25RAPid Innovative payload demonstration Satellite 1 (RAPIS-1) Ends Its Operation
2020.06.12Accomplishments of the "Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration-1"
2020.05.19"Development of SOI-SOC MPU" was updated
2020.03.23JAXA concludes partnership-type contract for Phase I of its Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (CRD2)
2020.02.26JAXA and Alouette Technology Develop Onboard Image Processor for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data
2020.02.14Kureha and JAXA Discover Antibacterial Functions of Atomic Oxygen-Irradiated Polymeric Materials
2020.01.10What is NB-FPGA, That will Enable the Advancement of Spacecrafts?