- Dec. 11, 2024 Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Achieves Historic 15-Meter Approach to Space Debris"New
- Aug. 20, 2024Press Release: JAXA concludes partnership-type contract for Phase II of its Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (CRD2)
- Jul. 30, 2024Press Release: CRD2 Phase I / ADRAS-J Update: Fly-Around Observation Images of Space Debris Released
- Jul. 09, 2024Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Conducts First Fly-Around Observation of Space Debris"
- Jun. 14, 2024Press Release: CRD2 Phase I / ADRAS-J update: “fixed-point observation” images of space debris have been released
- Apr. 26, 2024Press Release: First target image from orbit: The image of space debris from Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration Phase I has been released
- Apr. 22, 2024Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Successfully Approaches Several Hundred Meters to Space Debris"
- Apr. 11, 2024Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Completes Successful Rendezvous and Initiates Proximity Approach"
- Feb. 22, 2024Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Mission Starts Rendezvous Operations"
- Feb. 19, 2024Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale Successfully Launches World’s First Debris Inspection Spacecraft, ADRAS-J"
- Feb. 08, 2024Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale’s ADRAS-J Ready for Launch from Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 on Sunday, February 18"
- Sep. 26, 2023PhaseⅠ Milestone 3 completed
- Sep. 25, 2023Space Debris Removal Project Underway
- Jul. 07, 2023CRD2 English web site opened
- Mar. 30, 2023Astroscale Japan Inc. released "Astroscale Leads the World's First Attempt to Survey Debris through RPO"
- Mar. 29, 2022PhaseⅠ Milestone 2 (Critical Design Review) completed
- Sep. 30, 2021PhaseⅠ project mark published
- Jul. 13, 2021PhaseⅠ Milestone 1 (Preliminary Design Review) completed
- Mar. 23, 2020Press Release: JAXA concludes partnership-type contract for PhaseⅠ of its Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (CRD2)
- Oct. 11, 2019Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration introduced at JAXA President Monthly Press Conference
- Sep. 24, 2019Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration Team established
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