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Leading Research Research on the future engineering test satellite that will promote the immediate realization of diverse missions

Currently, businesses utilizing satellites for the purpose of solving social issues cover a wide range of fields, including earth observation, weather observation, communications and broadcasting, and positioning. Conventionally, satellite systems have been developed and manufactured optimized for the mission requirements of individual satellites. Not only quick response to requirements, but there is also a constant need for efficiency in development time and cost.

On the other hand, with overwhelming improvements in processing power of computers, using digital technologies such as AI, IoT, and ICT, functions which were impossible to achieve with conventional technology and methods that create new value by processing huge amounts of data quickly have appeared in society and making remarkable progress.

This research is focused on advanced technologies with high added value and competitiveness such as mechanical and electrical module design technology, high heat dissipation technology, and SDS technology aiming to realize a satellite bus platform that enables flexible and scalable configurations for diverse missions.
These technologies enable to meet the needs of diverse missions and orbits of satellites (low earth orbit (LEO)/medium earth orbit (MEO)/geostationary orbit (GEO), etc.) by expansion and contraction of configuration, instead of individually optimized design and manufacturing or major design changes, the efficiency of satellite development is expected to be overwhelmingly higher than ever.

The Future Engineering test SaTellite (FEST) aims to demonstrate these technologies to enhance international competitiveness in the 2030s and beyond, and to respond quickly to diversifying new space utilization needs.

Efficient method of satellite development targeted by Future Engineering Test SaTellite (FEST)